fedops blog

Privacy in Computing

Mon 12 April 2021

Let's reboot this thing

Posted by fedops in misc   

Bring it Back

Looks like there hasn't been anything happening in this space for a good long while, and it's my fault (obviously).


I'm quite active on Mastodon these days, having weaned myself off of Facebook since the start of the new year. Find me as @fedops@fosstodon.org there.

Fosstodon is a very foss-centered and "cosy" (for lack of a better word) Mastodon instance, and there's always a good bit of information floating around, given as well as taken. I find it's probably easier to collect that in static blog entries and point to them whenever the need arises, rather than re-type it every time. So let's see if this pushes some new life back into this.

Meanwhile, if you like FOSS and would like to try out non-corporate social media, come on over to fosstodon.org. It's free (though chipping in to help with server running costs is always appreciated) and you're not giving away any of your data to the GAFAM (that image by Peha is hilarious - I use it as my work desktop background).